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Problems and Prospects of Women Entrepreneurs: A Study in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation

Problems and Prospects of Women Entrepreneurs: A Study in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation.

Women in the fast dynamic society have to assume a greater role in adopting and practicing the changes in the social and cultural dimensions. The role of women is undergoing a radical information especially in Kerala.  There is numerous business and industrial establishments owned by women successfully which are most profitable and can be started without more technical knowledge and less investment. Although the number of women entrepreneurs is increasing slowly, many are giving it up after sometime. It is not because of their inefficiency or incompetency but because of the hurdles they face which they think cannot be overcome. In this study an attempt was made to make an analysis about the problems and prospects of woman entrepreneurs in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation. The study reveals that that woman, as individual suffers from the general problems forced by all entrepreneurs such as raw material problems, marketing problems, problem of finance, infrastructural problems, problem of skilled manpower,  delays in promotional procedures etc.  The specific problem faced by the women entrepreneurs are lack of need achievement, economic independence, absence of risk bearing capacity, male dominating society lack of business information and experience, fleecily involved in family problem etc.

1.      Introduction
A cross-country comparison bears evidence that the emergence and then development of entrepreneurship largely depends upon the economic social cultural and psychological environment. Now days women are taking a vital role in the socio economic background .Women in Western world made their doubts cleared in the late fifties or early sixties.  But in case of Indian Women, efforts were made in a systematic manner around 1970, by government and private agencies of some states to promote self-employment among women. India ranks in the bottom five of 30 countries surveyed for conditions that foster 'high potential' women entrepreneurship. One cannot divorce women from the society nor can isolate their problems from the social existence.  The change of the world may appear to be slow but there are some potent forces to work for the women.  So now a days; a minority of women have benefited by the new educational and job opportunities.  The new social status equipped the female to supplement the family income and even shoulder the whole financial responsibility of family.
2.      Scope of the Study
A research of the scope and objectives is imperative, as it will bring to light the complex and vital issues pertaining to women entrepreneurs. From the past to the present, the Indian women have been contributing in one form or the other to the development of the country.  Potentialities of women folk have remained under utilized and initialized mainly due to the closed – approach of the society towards women.  Fast changes in the social cultural, educational and behavioural perspectives of women world over warrant that women and their multiple roles and their contribution to the economy require immediate attention.  The present study makes a modest attempt to focus on the importance of women’s role and aspirations too.  An insight into the various problems will enable policy makers, social and economic thinkers, administrators and other to evolve comprehensive and progressive action plans to safe guard the interests of women entrepreneurs. So the present study taken up with a view to suggest some pragmatic solutions to the problems which are throttling the development of women entrepreneurs.
3.      Objectives
    The present study is undertaken with the following objectives.
i.        To make an over view on women entrepreneurship in general.
ii.      To identify the problems faced by women entrepreneurs in Thiruvananthapuram
iii.    Top highlight the prospects of women entrepreneurs in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation.
iv.       To inquire into the perception, attitudes and role conflict of women entrepreneurs.
v.          To make suggestions based on the findings of the study.

4.      Methodology
The Hundred sample establishments from Thiruvananthapuram area. Corporation has been categorised into Production and Service units. Of these, 60 are production units and the rest are service units. Production units include. readymade garments, food processing and soap manufacturing unit and service unit  includes Computer centers’ and Beauty parlours. The present study is based on primary data collected by using questionnaire. The population of the study was women entrepreneur in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation area.  A sample of 100 women entrepreneurs from Thiruvananthapuram Corporation was selected on random basis, readymade garments, food processing, soap manufacturing, computer centre and beauty parlour.
The primary data have been interpreted with the help of simple statistical tools such as percentages and the perceptions of the respondents on certain attributes like status treatment of family members attitude of colleges etc. have been ranked in order of importance.
5.      Major Observations and Findings
In the study conducted at Thiruvananthapuram Corporation the following problems are found to be prevalent or respective of the strata of the entrepreneurs.  The entrepreneurs do not feel many of the problems.  But some of them are really acting as barrier for growth and development.  Relevant issues are explained below.
5.1. Credit Related Problems
i.        Lack of Knowledge about banking procedures
Except few, no women entrepreneur under study was able to list out the various procedures to be followed for availing bank finance.  Actually women entrepreneurs can run the business profitably and help others by creating employment opportunities.  But they area not interested in making unnecessary financial communities. Some entrepreneurs are given financial support by banks as part of poverty reduction programmes.  Even though they are ready to avoid more finance, banks are not willing to extend unstinted support.  In short, the role of banks as an organization committed for the development of people is not properly communicated to the entrepreneurial community.  As Margaret. S. Robinson observed, “those who hold power do not understand the demand and those who understand the demand do not hold power”.
ii.      Interest rate-issue of Lack of Transparency
   The RBI circulars give freedom to the banks to fix their Prime Lending Rate.  The rates of interest charged by the banks are varying between 9.5 to 15% per annum.  Based on this it is not possible to conclude that a bank is charging high rates for its loans.  What is more relevant that is the RBI norms regarding interest rates which stipulates that the rate of interest charged on advanced should not exceed its PLRS up to a loan amount of Rs.2 lakhs.  Therefore the question is whether the banks are charging or have charged interest rates higher than its PLRS.  In the case of entrepreneurs under study, none of them have availed loans more than Rs.2 lakhs.
iii.    Delay in sanctioning of Loans
Most of the entrepreneurs whom I contacted for the study complained about the delay in sanctioning of loans.  Some entrepreneurs are really critical about the banking procedures, which causes in ordinate delay.  Due to various reasons some entrepreneurs are not interested to spend time with the bank for sanctioning of credit.  The RBI guidelines are very clear and specific that loans than Rs.25000/- should be sanctioned with 2 weeks and loans above Rs.25,000/- within 8-9 weeks some of the entrepreneurs have not considered delayed sanctioning as a major problem
iv.     Repayment Holiday
. Except few, all others are not aware of sanctioning of grace period or moratorium.  Some entrepreneurs have closed their loans before the stipulated period.  Actually this has resulted in depletion of resources, which of properly ploughed back to the business, would have created more growth to the business than realized.
v.      Lack of collateral security
 The lack of security the main barrier in getting bank loans .The Scheme that offers collateral-free loans to MSMEs in general is limited. Preference is given to married women whose husbands can guarantee repayment
vi.    Installment finance
A major reason for the excess installment amount is that most of the entrepreneurs are not aware about their project and its proposed cash flow.  In the early years of operation when the business is operating at low capacities of production, the cash inflow will be less in such cases the payment of excess installment or installment with high amount would lead to severe cash crunch.  It was found that in 80% of cases the installment fixed was not according to the projected cash flow.  In the case of antipoverty programmes, the installment fixed includes subsidy repayment also.
vii.   Under Financing or Inadequate Finance
        In the absence of specific project report showing the requirement of Block capital and working capital banks are sanctioning loans according to their tailor made programmes. Most of the units under study are found to be suffocating for want of additional capital for expansion.  One of the entrepreneurs would have diversified her business if more capital is made available by the banks.  Actually she had applied for Rs.40,000/- which was reduced to Rs.20,000/- by the bank.
Table 1: Credit Related Problems
Credit Problems
Lack of knowledge about Banking process.
Interest rate issue of lack of Transparency
Delay in sanctioning of loan
Repayment Holiday
Installment finance
Under financing


         Source: Survey         
5.2. Debit Equity Ratio
This ratio indicates the relationship between the long-term funds provided by creditors and those provided by the firm’s owners.  It is commonly used to measure the degree of financial leverage of the firm.  This is one of the most important ratio to analyse the capital structure of any firm.  The debt equity ratio measure the debt financing has used in a business.  The ratio indicates the proportionate claims of owners an outside against the firm’s assets.  Debt means all debt and liabilities to outsiders.  Equity consists of share capital and reserves and surplus.
        Debt Equity Ratio  =    External Equities
                                             Internal Equities

Table 2: Debt Equity Ratio
Nature of Business
External Equities
Internal Equities
Readymade Garments
Food processing units
Soap manufacture units
Computer centre
Beauty parlour
           Source: Survey(100 samples – Average is taken for the purpose of finding ratio.)
Table 2 shows that the ratio is fluctuating between 0.57 to 2.45.  The highest ratio shown in the Food Processing units and the lowest ratio is in the Ready Made Garments units.
5.3.Other Problems
Women entrepreneurs encounter various types of problems in selling up and      developing    their enterprises some of the major issues are discussed above.  Some   other problems are:-
i.                    Problem of Raw Materials
A major problem that the women entrepreneurs have to contend with is the procurement of raw material is the procurement of raw material.  The problem of raw material has assumed the shape of an absolute scarcity, poor quality of raw material and high cost. In Beauty parlours provide importance to use quality materials otherwise it affect the reputation of the firm.  Like in other industries such as soap manufacturing concern food products manufacture concern, etc require quality raw materials at reasonable price. Keeping in view the raw material problem of small scale industries, the government makes provision for making raw materials available to these enterprises.
ii.                  Poor Project Planning
In the absence of education and experience, women entrepreneurs often depend upon consultants.  They do not fully understand project details.  Due to poor planning of projects cost and time over runs arises.

iii.                Lack of Training
Enterprises could not be run without sufficient training.  The experience gained by the second generation entrepreneurs was helpful for obtaining better success.  In the case of new generation entrepreneurs the need for continued training is very high.
Activities take computer catering beauty parlour need in pensive training.  The high level of educational background of the entrepreneurs was one of the reasons that attributed success or avoided failures.  It was noted that except in the case of group enterprises supported by Kudumbashree, organized training programmes are lacking a brief sketch on the work of the units.EDP training for the women are very useful to start and initiative to be an entrepreneur.  It is basically help to access entrepreneurs on the area of technology through identification of project, commercial, finance venture capital and market training dissemination information research and development and infrastructure facilities.  The above points are important for an entrepreneur to gain appropriate knowledge of world market technology design and development and quality control for international competitive.  Women entrepreneur in small scale industries have given enough indication towards adoption of new ideas in diverse section like, Electrical food engineering, chemicals pharmaceuticals textile, hosiery gems and jewellery leather, handicraft agro based industries floriculture agriculture, bio electronics and software development.
Revolutionary changes in ICT have been reinforcing economic and social changes, which in turn have been transforming the business and society.  The economic empowerment of women via KT enable them to challenge discrimination and overcome gender barriers information technology can offer signification can opportunities for virtually all girls and women in developing countries, including poor women in rural areas.  However, their ability to take advantage of these opportunities is contingent upon conducive policies, and enabling environment in our countries to extend increased educational level, financial support and infrastructural support.
iv.                Male Dominating Society
A woman can enter into business only with the consent of male family members.It has also been seen that around 70% of women entrepreneurs are depending upon the male help for day to day activities where as the rests are not.  A woman entrepreneur will get different type of help from a male such as moral and general administration help by her husband, Sales and marketing, technical and accounting
v.                  Role Conflict
 Conflict is one of the most important problems that the women entrepreneur face in discharging their duties.  Life is not a grand harmony; conflict exists.  The role conflict arises since they have to perform various functions at least, in three capacities.
as an entrepreneur as a mother and as a wife Besides discharging regular duties as an entrepreneur in an organization, women have to all end to the household responsibilities in particular, towards husband, children and at times parent married women have to play a more responsive role as they have to manage the time in such a way that they can make every one of there parties comfortable and satisfied.  If they are not regular in organizational actives, it will affect the business in adverse manner. 
vi.                 Safety
Security and safety to women in our society is another problem. An alarming rise of harassments and crimes against women makes them set aside long journeys, late working hours, interaction with stake holders which are unavoidable reasons to a successful business.
6.      Other Observations.
i.        50% of respondents are fond to be in between the age of 31-40.  Age has an influence on one’s life.  As the age advances the maturity also increases.  This age enables women to with stand to stress and strain.
ii.      It is noticed that the married women accounted for highest proportion in almost all the categories of respondents under study.
iii.    One of the striking features is that the traditional joint family system is weakening and in its place nuclear family system is emerging in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation area.  Evidently, more than half of the respondent families consist of 4 to 5 persons.
iv.    Education plays an important role in determining one’s socio-economic status in the society.  Most of the women entrepreneur are graduates and post graduate.
v.      The respondents’ educational and occupational status is influenced by the level of education of parents and husbands.  It is revealed that 100 % of the parents/spouses of the women entrepreneurs are educated.
vi.    With respect to the perception of the respondents about the women entrepreneurs status in the society, many of them considered that they command good respect.  However, there has been reinforcement in the minds of people that women are not equal to men both physically and mentally.  Total change in the outlook of society is required so that women could be respected well and assures them with a good amount of protection in the make dominant society.
vii.  The respondents are of the opinion that they have to accept challenges in social and economic spheres and they have to play a prominent role in shaping the society.  However, it is to be noted that they have to accept that they must aware of their problems in the society.
viii.It is evident from the study that most of the respondents are in need of supplementing the earnings of their families.  The encouragement received from the husband is evidently higher than that of the parents.
ix.    The study reveals that the attitude of employees towards the respondents is favourable.  It is appreciable that 54% of their employees are satisfied with the present working conditions in the organization.
x.      The respondents multiple roles – as an entrepreneur, mother, daughter and wife their conflicts are studied.  A majority of the women entrepreneurs feel that they could not pay much attention towards the spouses and parents due to their job.  The study identified that the respondents adopted several techniques to resolve the role conflict.
xi.    Lack of availability of guidelines for issuing loans and availing credit is a major problem.
xii.  Need for training is high.  It was found in all the cases that absence of training was one of the major reasons for deviation in performance.
xiii.Quality of raw materials used should be improved keeping in view the raw material problem of small enterprise the government makes provision for making  raw materials available to small units.  They provide quality materials at reasonable price.

 7. Suggestions
i.        The Group Women Entrepreneurship approach should be made an integral part of the National women’s welfare programmes as it shall encourage and promote women entrepreneurs to participate actively in the work of socio-economic development.  Due recognition should be given to the integrity of women’s knowledge in its own right or of the value of this knowledge in contributing to women entrepreneurship.
ii.      Women should be made aware about facilities, programmes/ schemes and support of associations available for promotion of women entrepreneurship.
iii.    Emphasis should be made to develop and disseminate appropriate technologies and labour reducing devices for various household works for relieving the double burden on women entrepreneurs.
iv.    Government and Non-Government organizations should be launch nation-wide efforts for the provision of crèches, nurseries and child care facilities with locations and time tables convenient to the schedules of women entrepreneurs both in urban and rural environment, involving women in the planning, implementation and operation of enterprise, keeping double burden priorities which need to be lightened or removed from either domain, wherever necessary organize women’s association and common facility centres for GWE or individual women entrepreneurs.
v.      Last but not the least, promote technical and managerial training, appropriate to meet the needs of the enterprise of women at all levels.
8. Conclusion
Women play a vital role in the society by adopting and practicing the changes in the social and economic fields.  The study is based on the survey conducted to explore the problems of women entrepreneurs.  Good environment for women entrepreneurship growth can be evolved.  It can be done by removing the problems of the culture of developing countries. Though this study finds out certain good results about importance of different contributory factors, but we have come across the lower awareness of women about real problems associated with the entrepreneurship.  This is inferred by seeing the results of different factors such as risk taking behaviour, project planning etc.
Ultimately, however, woman entrepreneurship must be recognized for what it is.  Nationally, it has great importance for future economic prosperity.  Individually, business ownership provides woman with independence they crave for and with economic and social satisfaction.
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