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Perception of Beneficiaries regarding Social Security Pension Schemes

Perception of Beneficiaries regarding Social Security Pension Schemes
Dr. Biju  S K
Assistant Professor
Government Arts College, Thiruvananthapuram

Pension and social security schemes have been receiving increasing attention in recent years in most countries of the developing world in view of the rapidly growing elderly population. Social security is a concept preserved in Article 22 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights essential for his dignity and the free development of his personality. The main function of social security is to provide income security, access to health care and basic social services and thus reducing poverty among the elderly. This paper deals the perception of beneficiaries regarding social security pension schemes in Kerala.

1.      Introduction
                 Social security is basically a term of Atlantic origin introduced by Abraham Epstein with a view to differentiating it from economic security. It is both a concept and a system. The concept of social security is very old, though the term, the laws and institutions built around it in order to institutionalize the concept may be of recent origin. Social security conveys a meaning that requires a security in the society in case of contingencies. But it also covers to security by state in case of contingencies. The term social security, its meaning, its denotation and connotation are vague. It is the principle or practice of public provision for the economic security and social welfare of individual and his family as such, through social assistance or insurance.
Social security is a concept preserved in Article 22 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights essential for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

2.      Statement of the Problem 
                        Pension and social security schemes have been receiving increasing attention in recent years in most countries of the developing world in view of the rapidly growing elderly population. Equipping with sustainable financial capacity as a senior citizen is a basic problem for most of the people. Lack of financial capacity creates a stressful life and invites the entry of problems other than those caused by physical and mental health issues. The rise in the size of the old age population in capacitated to generate any income immediately leads to a severe economic problem.
The pension crisis is a universal phenomenon and many countries face rising pension expenditure, often combined with significant pensioner poverty. The problem is attributed to various trends, notably a pincer movement between rising life expectancy and lower birth rates. Kerala is also facing the problem of lower birth rate and rising life expectancy. Life expectancy is a statistical measure of the average time an organism is expected to live, based on the year of its birth, its current age and other demographic factors including gender.

3.      Objectives of the Study
The study is carried on with the following objectives:
                      i.            To analyse the perception of beneficiaries regarding various pension schemes.
                    ii.            To identify the problems faced by the pensioners.
4.      Methodology
A total of 60 respondents from Trivandrum District were selected for the study. Convenience sampling method has been used for the selection of sample respondents. Both primary and secondary data have been used for the study Primary data were collected form pensioners by administering interview schedule. The secondary data had been collected from government agencies, Local Self Governments,, various books, magazines, internet and newspapers.
5.      Perception of Beneficiaries
The perception of social security pensioners were analysed through the data collected for the purpose. The  perception and problems of these beneficiaries are important to the policy makers for developing schemes for the peoples.
5.1.  Living Arrangements for the beneficiaries
The status of residents of beneficiaries are analysed listed in table 5.1 given below;  
Table 5.1 : Classification on the basis of Living Arrangements.
With children
       Source: Primary data

While seeing residential status of Pension holders, it is found that 52% of population lives in owned house followed by rental house 30%. The people living with children or relatives or others are less than 20%, shows the favourable status of pensioners in Kerala.

5.2.  Source of Awareness
It is important that how did the beneficiaries get information about the social security pension, and who are the supporters or the mechanism of these people to get information relating to the pension schemes. The source of awareness is given in Fig. 5.2.

Fig. 5.2: Source of Awareness

The various source of awareness classification differs with small percentage, as we could see in the Figure 5.2; it is found that the main source of information is local leaders.
5.3.  Utilisation of Pension Amount
It is egger to know how these people utilize the money and what the major expenses of the aged people are. Table 5.3 depicts the purpose of utlisation of pension amount.
Table 5.3: Purpose of utilization of Pension Amount.
Weighted Rank
Health care
Repayment of Debt
Purchase of Asset
         Source: Primary data.
As per ranking schedule, it is found that most prioritized purpose of pension is to get food. Secondly, the main purpose to avail health care followed clothing, payment of rent, repayment of debt, purchase of asset and at last is ranked for the purpose of investment.

5.4.  Socio Economic Problems
The major problems faced by the social security pensioners were analysed and enlisted in table 5.4.
Table 5.4: Socio Economic Problem
Economic Problem
Weighted Rank
Financial Problem
Health Problem
Regularity of Pension
Distribution of Pension
          Source: Primary data
As per the ranking schedule, it is found that the major economic problem is ranked first by financial problem followed by health problem then regularity of pension then by distribution of pension and the least one is ranked by loneliness.
5.5.  Satisfaction of Pensioners
Fig. 5.5. .Satisfaction level of pensioners

As per the ranking schedule, it is found that the pensioners are highly satisfied at social integrity followed by social security, then physical health, regular income, individual and social freedom and at last with success in life.

6.      Major Findings of the Study
             i.            One of the major finding of the study was to identify the various social security pension schemes available in Kerala. There are seven types of social security pension schemes in Kerala.  They are
a)      National Old age Pension.
b)      Widow Pension
c)      Pension to Unmarried Women above 50 years
d)     Pension to the Physically Challenged Persons
e)      Pension to the Mentally Challenged Persons
f)       Agriculture Labour Pension
g)      Unemployment wages (Previously handled by Training and Employment Department)
           ii.            Another major finding of the study was the criteria for applying various social security pensions. Each pension has fixed and specific criteria.
         iii.            The next finding was about the perception of beneficiaries regarding various pension schemes. There are both problems and satisfaction according to various social security pension schemes. The satisfaction level is high on social integrity. 
         iv.            The last major finding was on the problems of the pensioners on social security pension schemes. The highly faced problem by them is financial   problem.
           v.            Living arrangement of most of the pensioners is in owned house (52%).
         vi.            The source of awareness about the pension schemes for the pensioners is mostly informed by the Local leaders (30%).
       vii.            The cross table for the Table 4.8 makes us understand the percentage of male and female for knowing about the pension schemes.
viii.            The main purpose for which the pension amount is used is to get food.
7.      Suggestions
             i.            This study reveals that most of the people wholly depending on this particular pension amount for their basic needs. Since the amount is insufficient for them, the Government should increase the pension amount to make it helpful for the beneficiary.
           ii.            The government should take adequate steps to avoid undeserved people beneficiating from these pension schemes.
         iii.            From the study  it is clear that, the Government failed to distribute the pension amount in a regular basis; measures to taken  to release regular payments and thereby to help the beneficiaries to meet their basic needs.
         iv.            The Government should give the pension amount for all the eligible pensioners and also should bring some more additional financial assistance to the persons who are suffering from severe disabilities.
           v.            The study reveals that majority of the pensioners are aware of the sources of pension only through Local leaders, thus more awareness towards pension must be given by other sources like media, advertisement, meetings, etc...
         vi.            LSGI and Government must be efficient in making people aware about the sources of pension.
8.      Conclusion
The project work titled Perception of Beneficiaries regarding Social Security Pension Schemesis the result of a study conducted by using literature review, personal interviews andanalysis of the collected data. Tables and graphs were used inanalysis, adequate interpretation was drawn out on the basis of analysis.The contribution of this study is to know the perceptions of beneficiaries regarding social Security Pension in rural and urban area.  The main aim of social security pensions is to provide financial assistance to people who have no other source of income for their livelihood.  The social security pensions provide protection to old age persons, mentally and physically challenged persons from different problems they faced. The Government can provide different type of social security pensions to the poor people. Finally, the aged should be considered as a valuable cultural resource and role models for the younger generation. Therefore, Governmental and non-governmental organizations should come forward to motivate and create awareness among the youth to take care of the aged in the family. Older persons also have the right to a standard of living ensuring their well-being. Thus old age is definitely a challenge which deserves the attention of policy thinkers from multidiscipline and also research scholars.


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